2019-2021: Margareth Tapac

South Mansfield College was my parents’ school of choice for me.South Mansfield College was my parents’ school of choice for me.And in due course, South Mansfield College becomes my second home.

I started schooling at SMC in 2008. I was a timid 3-year old girl then, but SMC provided me and itsI started schooling at SMC in 2008. I was a timid 3-year old girl then, but SMC provided me and itsstudents with opportunities to explore and learn beyond the classroom setting. As a byproduct,a student as young as a preschooler, becomes more confident, assertive in a polite way, andself-reliant. I was accelerated in school and penetrated the halls of the basic education at age5 – very young and agitated, but SMC made the transition calm and plain sailing.

In grade school, SMC has the most effective curriculum in the core subjects – English, Math andIn grade school, SMC has the most effective curriculum in the core subjects – English, Math andScience. As a grade school student, I have joined a number of interschool and regionalacademic olympiads. My grasp and depth in academics has propelled me to win APSAMacademic trophies for our school. And in my childhood years and juvenescence with SMC,exposure to visual arts and performing arts also created a huge impact in my growth. SMCmade me build better, brighter, deeper dreams for myself, more than anything else. Theopportunities they gave me plunged me to perceive my potentials, allowed me to believe in mydreams, and ushered me to slowly achieve them all.

Come Junior High School, SMC introduced to me the value of being a “mover of the society”. ItCome Junior High School, SMC introduced to me the value of being a “mover of the society”. Itwas a great privilege to be appointed as a student ambassador. And I have embraced the roleof exuding my school’s vision and mission. I got active in leadership trainings and programs,most notable of all was the YMCA Youth Leadership Seminar in Baguio City which I attended for3 consecutive years. I was blessed also to be part of the Philippine delegation to the OxfordModel UN Convention in Singapore in 2019. Involvement in the Student Council instigated amore purposeful essence of being a Gen Z youth. I have learned the gravity of being sociallyrelevant through leadership and community service. I have fully understood the accountabilityof being well-versed on the conditions of my society.

Also, it was with SMC that I have been further exposed to performing arts - particularly withAlso, it was with SMC that I have been further exposed to performing arts - particularly withdance, and also with sports - volleyball in my case. It was with great pride to represent SMC indance competitions and also in volleyball tournaments for 4 straight years. And I am grateful formy school for lighting up in me that passion to constantly and ably perform, whether on stage orin the court. Participation in sports and dance trainings highlighted the value of timemanagement, discipline, strategic development and the champion spirit. But also, it instilled inme the substance of grace and humility of an honorable competitor.

As I grew up in and with SMC, I have grown to love other aspects of being a student. I learnedAs I grew up in and with SMC, I have grown to love other aspects of being a student. I learnedhow to debate and write essays for international writing competitions. Notably, with immensedignity but with all due modesty, I take honor the chance to have represented my school in theWorld Scholar’s Cup in 2019, especially in the Tournament of Champions in Yale University. I wasanimated to be there. It was a once-in-a-lifetime mind-blowing exhilarating experience for anystudent, to fly abroad for a competition, to represent school and country. And SMC made thatdream come true for me. The 13 medals I brought home to SMC from the WSC, are proof ofexcellence of the faculty and the school administrators. It was a well-deserved profit and rewardfor the collective effort of all my trainors. Therefore, it was an honor I will perpetually share withthem.

My last year with SMC was a rollercoaster ride. It was a struggle to balance school work withMy last year with SMC was a rollercoaster ride. It was a struggle to balance school work withvolleyball varsity, Performing Arts Guild, Student Council, MTAP training, community service, andlocal-international academic competitions. And we even end up spending the last few monthsof the schoolyear in a global pandemic and lockdown. Nonetheless, SMC provided me withenough guidance to get through the challenges. They say “Dreams + Diligence + Sacrifices +Dedication = Success” , and that exactly sums up my SMC journey. I concluded my SMC life witha feat in the search for 10 Most Outstanding Students of Muntinlupa for 2020. I was ranked 3rdoverall, and it was an achievement I hand out to my SMC family. The 10MOST2020 success is asweet finale to my SMC journey, something I will cherish my whole life.

Equipped with its innovative learning system, and bound by commitment, South MansfieldEquipped with its innovative learning system, and bound by commitment, South MansfieldCollege is truly capable of honing students who are smart, diverse, dynamic, motivated,compassionate, consistent, gracious and purposeful.

12 years with South Mansfield College is undeniably a wonderful journey.

SMC - my second family, my lamp of knowledge and skills, my bright path, and my warm heart.SMC - my second family, my lamp of knowledge and skills, my bright path, and my warm heart.Thank you and I appreciate you. It is an honor to be a Royal. A proud Royal Gayeth Tapac willalways be.




2014-2015: John Lester Englis

Today we celebrate the 11th Foundation Day of South Mansfield College, our school and my second home. SMC has played a huge part in my life as a teen and as a student. I do not exaggerate when I say that SMC has really changed my life.

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