
blog article

Royals Boys Varsity Shines in Inter-School Basketball League

South Mansfield students are not only proficient in academics and values. Our athletes have also been winning in basketball, volleyball, futsal and in other sports in inter-school competitions.

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Junior High Student wins in NCR-Wide Journalism Contest

South Mansfield Royals did it again! Fourteen high school students joined the prestigious Liyab ‘18—16th NCR-wide Journalism Press Conference held at the Philippine Normal University last October 03 and 06, 2018.

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South Mansfield College Athletes win in PRISAA MEET

South Mansfield athletes one again demonstrated their skills in sports! The Grade School Basketball varsity defeated their opponents in the recently-concluded Private Schools Athletics Association (PRISAA) District Meet held at the Dela Salle Santiago Zobel School last October 16-18, 2018.

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SMC varsity rules in APSAM basketball tournament

South Mansfield College students proved that they are not only competent in academics but also in sports.  With their passion and perseverance, our Grade School Basketball Varsity played extraordinarily well in the recently held APSAM Basketball Tournament  and brought home the First Runner-Up trophy.

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